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Method of testing the quality ...

Antifoaming agent is a material additive that can reduce the surfac

What is the amount of wetting ...

The amount of wetting and dispersing agent in chemical applications
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Method of testing the quality of defoamer

Method of testing the quality of defoamer

Antifoaming agent is a material additive that can reduce the surface tension of water, solution, suspension, etc., prevent foam formation, or reduce or eliminate the o...
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What is the amount of wetting and dispersing agent added?

What is the amount of wetting and dispersing agent added?

The amount of wetting and dispersing agent in chemical applications is often a question that customers need to ask. So how much do we need to add in the production of ...
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BASF introduces more innovations to meet the challenges of climate-friendly chemical production

BASF introduces more innovations to meet the challenges of climate-fri...

By pursuing its ambitious carbon management plan, R&D activities and press conferences, BASF is creating new possibilities for pioneering projects to reduce carbon...
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Resin market analysis

Resin market analysis

1. Market analysis This week, the domestic petroleum resin market continued to rise slightly. Recently, the maintenance of raw material C5 equipment has increase...
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Application fields and uses of petroleum resin

Application fields and uses of petroleum resin

【Overview】 Hydrocarbon resin is produced from the by-product C5 and C9 fractions in the petroleum cracking process, using sulfuric acid, anhydrous aluminum t...
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